+32 497390029

We’re Ivy Art bv, and we’re here to help your business grow. Since our founding in 2007, we’ve guided and assisted clients from different backgrounds and businesses to help them achieve their unique business goals. Using our experience and unique insights, we offer a fresh and challenging input. Since 2020, we’re proud to be a Claris Partner! Meet with us and discover our added value for your business.
We are problem solvers!
Our focus and preferred tools are: Claris - FileMaker - FileMaker Cloud - Custom apps - Business consulting - Design - macOS - iOS - iPadOS - Graphic Design - Adobe
Claris FileMaker and Peppol
e-Invoicing and sending invoices through Peppol will be mandatory from the 1st of January 2026. We can help you integrate your existing invoicing in your custom Claris FileMaker application with the Peppol network.
Contact us and let's look together how we can help.
Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.
We look forward to meet you and discuss your projects. Make an appointment and let's meet!
Ivy Art bv
Zagerijstraat 41
2530 Boechout
+32 497390029